Take a moment to admire his beauty. Haha. |

Oh jesus, this picture has got to be one of my all time top favorites. *tear* I miss the dreads. |

Vouge needs to leave Brandon's beauty alone. They made him look like euro-trash on an acid trip. |

Okay this one is a little better guys but whats with all the posing? Let Knappy do his thing, aight? |

Okay is it just me or does this kind of look like he should be shouting angry white rap? |

Alright so this picture is most likely staged but I like it. At least hes wearing his own clothes. |

Nice to know youuu. |

Jesus, I wanna raid his closet. |

Oh my god. My shrimpy guy fetish is going into overdrive right now. Someone get me an anorexic male. |
|  |

No Brandon, It doesn't break off during sex. If it did there would be a lot more happy women. |

Gotta love that pink. |

Hes my ideal cabanna boy. |

Brandon, I love ya, but stick to singing. |

Why do you torture me like this? You're already so unobtainable. |

What the hell goes through those photographers minds? |

He looks just a wee bit distrought. Bandon, I love ya, but actings not your thing, sweetie. |

Doop dooop.... I have no smartass comment... |

Blink and you may miss a beat. |

Very Gandhi. (Sp?) |